Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Meetings and Angels and A**holes... :)

Oy! What a day! Nothing like getting home at 8:30pm... especially when I left the house at something like 7:45. I am a teacher... I DO NOT work 12+ hour shifts... my job is too tiring for such silliness! Not to mention my day prevented me from going to the gym... just when I am getting motivated. Today... work - check, sub plans - check, induction meeting - check, PTO meeting - check. And tomorrow, I am out for a meeting that is ALL DAY long... ewww. At least I get paid for it... :) Then, Chili's night... Hey... if anyone out there reads this, go to Chili's at AZ Pavillions and eat some dinner... then tell them you are there for the school so my school can make money! Just think, it kills two birds with one stone. You have to eat, and you always feel good when you do something charitable. There ya have it, a reason to take a night off cooking. Tomorrow also prevents me from the gym (ugh!), unless I want to go after eating Chili's... hmmm.. doubt it, but you never know.

*Edit... adding this in post-original post. My children were angels today. I just mentioned this to my roomie, followed by "I should have put that in my blog". He told me I must have taken it for granted. So, I am back! My children were wonderful. They listened when I asked them to listen. I didn't have to give single warning today (my rules are 1- warning, 2 - think time (that's time out in another room, they lose a dollar from their money they earn at this point) and 3 - discipline ticket. I have been really strict the last week and a half to get behaviors that I disliked before break in check. So, this was AMAZING. And... every single child was there today. So, its not like one that would create a problem was out of the equation. It was truly wonderful. I complimented them all day. Now, I hope they are amazing tomorrow for my fabulous friend who is subbing for me! Okay... just had to add that... :) Goooooooo Gregory's Gallery! :)

In other news... I am borrowing my mom's car at the moment. She is beyond generous in allowing this. I don't think she and Geo know quite how appreciative I am of all their efforts and being inconvenienced, but I really am very thankful. Anyway, that is kind of old news. What is not old news was what I was greeted with when I walked out to the parking lot yesterday afternoon at school... where said car was parked all day. Check it out for yourselves... To myself I said "You have got to be kidding me!" So, after taking in the shock, then surveying the damage... I foolishly, and hopefully walk to the front of the car. Of course... NO NOTE! To which I said to myself "assholes". And so ladies and gentlemen... if you would like to know my real feelings on people who hit cars (which obviously damaged their too...) and DO NOT leave notes... I think they are Grade A - assholes. So I called Geo... because I knew he would not overreact. He told me not to tell her because she had had a tough day. So,,, how to get her to not notice for a day or two... Well, I get to the gym, where I would be taking her home from. In my head I planned on letting her drive so she wouldn't go to that side of the car. Hmmm.... I am approached with "Nika... can I have the keys to my car so I can put my stuff in the trunk?"... crap! So I told her... and she too was pissed! As well she should be. I felt soo bad! :(

Moral of the story folks. Accept responsibility for what you DO and say.

With that, I am off to the land of slumber so I am rested to sit in meetings all day tomorrow. Have a wonderful Thursday blogging land.


Unknown said...

yikes! that is really annoying and I can appreciate the problem! Need I say high school! lol, kidding.

Nikanoel said...

Ohhh! Mean! :( At least you witnessed that! :) I love you Tom!

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