Thursday, January 7, 2010

Lists, Goals and Randomness

Today was a busy and long day! Staying on top of my organization at school was a challenge... but I did it none the less! That is one of my goals you know... After school I got to come home and engage in my favorite activity ever. Hurry up and wait. For Comcast. 2 hour window. They were 45 minutes late. Needless to say, that adventure was over around 7:30. There went my evening. So, not as wonderful of a 2nd half of the day as the last, but that's cool. Waiting for Comcast was all thanks to my little friend Kiwi... she ate the Internet... or at least as I like to put it. (See: dug up the cable and chewed it to smithereens).

The accused...
There ya have it... a less than stimulating evening... but my Internet and digital cable are back in fighting form! And... just in time for all the fun and exciting shows that are starting up... and the ones that are finally coming back. On my TV viewing list for this "season":
*Grey's Anatomy (of course)
*Desperate Housewives (" ")
*The Bachelor (yay for Bachelor Monday's with wine and dinner, I am excited for this plan!)
*American Idol (I seem to watch every other season)
*The Biggest Loser (always good for motivation)
*Real World (because that's how I roll)
*The Buried Life (b/c it follows my new philosophy... write it down!)
*And... any other mindless reality I get sucked into! Thank goodness for DVR!

So... in the spirit of making lists and speaking of plans and goals... without further ado...

Niks' 10 goals to meet in 2010
1. Be healthier... in mind, body and spirit
2. Be more organized at school
3. Make wise financial decisions
4. Get into a routine of going to the gym regularly
5. Buy a car (thanks for the wheels in the meantime mom!)
6. Keep the house fairly clean all the time
7. Goodbye fast food (I am an awesome cook... should be utilizing my mad skill)
8. Go on some dates (I'm finally getting right enough with me to be ready to)
9. Take Kiwi on more walks, field trips, dog park excursions etc.
10. Write in a journal everyday (hey... that's how I got here)

For now my Internet browsing, blog reading friends, I bid you goodnight! Until tomorrow! :)


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