Sunday, January 24, 2010

Motivation, Progress and Roomies...

So... though my resolution was a good one... I think writing every day is just excessive. I have more, and more interesting things to say if I write less often.

Today I went to the track and walked (with a few bursts of running...) a couple miles with a friend. That was fun. I almost talked myself out of going because I was in the middle of something when she let me know she was going. But, I made myself go, and I feel so good that I did. It was a perfect motivator to start my week on the right foot. I am already looking forward to going to the gym tomorrow afternoon.

As far as eating healthy goes? I have definitely not been perfect... gone out with friends a couple times. But, I have NOT had any fast food since I resolved not to have fast food (in my mind Subway does not count, and that was only once). I was just telling a friend yesterday, when I used to get mad, or depressed or whatever ill emotion I was feeling I would get a "whatever, I am going to do what I want" attitude. I was in a really bad mood one night this week and had that exact attitude. I literally was about to pull into a drive through (also because I didn't feel like cooking) and drove away and went home and made dinner. That just shows how in tune with how my emotions affect me I am now... Yay me! So... since I have drank WAAAAY less soda in the last couple weeks, eaten much better and healthier foods and done some, not enough, but some working out... I am going to make myself get on the scale at the gym tomorrow. Hopefully it is good enough news to motivate me further. I have the Spring Break trip as a motivator out there right now too.

What else has been up this week? A slight tiff in the house. What I do love about being my age is that I know how to pick my battles and which to let be. This week was one I chose not to let be. But, I also know how to best express myself, stand my ground and not get overly feisty now. This morning the roomies and I had a lil' chat and resolved the issues hopefully. My roommates are awesome... but conflict is going to arise no matter what when you have three different personalities living under the same roof. We also concluded that it looks like we will most likely be heading in separate directions come May when the lease is up. So... while the search for new roommates is always a battle and doesn't always prove fun, I am fine with this. Over the last year I have lived with four different people, three of whom I had never met before. These three people are all wonderful people and I have had fun living with and getting to know each of them. If it weren't for the roommate situation I would have never met them. I know that in my new search I will meet more new and interesting people. And, maybe over the course of this next year I will get to a point where I won't have to play the revolving roommate game. Maybe... hopefully...

And, with that, my dinner is done. The last bits of my Sunday evening await me. And then in the morning another week. A week that I hope brings more energy, more motivation and just more fun to my wonderful little life!


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