Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sleeping in and simple plans

Sleeping in so decadent! I absolutely love it! Normally I would have crawled into bed last night and made myself a to-do list for this weekend to make sure that I get everything done that lies ahead of me. But, I talked myself out of that last night. I decided that since there is nothing pressing right now, perhaps I should just chill and see where the weekend takes me. That started with sleeping until 10:30. Perfect! Now? Not sure... maybe I will know when I am done blogging.

Last night something occurred to me. One of the things I hated most about living alone was being alone at night. I had some irrational fear that something would happen in the middle of the night, something horrible. So, I couldn't sleep well. Well, I don't know where this stemmed from other than perhaps my dad being up and down so much in the middle of the night in his last couple years. So, I moved into this house and I knew I was done for if I was alone at night. It is so much bigger than my apartment was (over twice the size), windows and doors everywhere... no chance I would ever be okay being alone here. I wasn't too worried about it because I knew I would be living with other people so that wouldn't happen often. When it did, I would come home, turn on every single light and turn on the TV so I had some noise. Last night as I was getting ready to go to bed, it occured to me that I had come home, turned on just a few lights and hung out in complete silence (no TV, no music) by myself for hours... AND, I was perfectly fine. No anxiety like I used to have when I was alone. Just me, the dog and the cats in the house and I was totally at peace hanging out alone in silence. I know some people may be like, yeah, so? But to me that is an awesome feeling to have overcome something that gave me such anxiety previously.
As I thought about this, I realized, it has to be because I have found such inner peace and serenity, and this is just another way it is presenting itself. Ahhh, I am loving where I am at right now!

Now for today... first I am going to write separate entry to check in on my goals. Then what? Hmm, a shower, some laundry (maybe this can wait till tomorrow...). I know I don't need to go into school, but I really want to organize my desk at school... I may go in for just an hour to do this... it would make a big difference. I need to do the same thing at home... maybe today should be desk day. I like that. Then tonight... The Moon... dun dun dun. I say this because... I do not enjoy "The Moon" (ie. Cactus Moon)... and I have finally learned to say no and not go places that I don't want to go. But, this is for one of my closest friend's birthdays, and for her the world. So, I am going. I need to make it an enjoyable experience so I don't have such an attitude towards this place. I will, get a few drinks in me and it will be a blasty! :) Well, off to enjoy my Saturday!


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